Starting Rehab Early Can Speed Recovery
A new study shows that starting rehab early can speed recovery from muscle injuries. Start Rehab Early
A new study shows that starting rehab early can speed recovery from muscle injuries. Start Rehab Early
Do you hate paperwork? Are your massage receipts collecting in your wallet, or getting lost? No problem, I will submit your receipts for you and bill your insurance provider directly. The approval from your provider is instant and fool proof. All you have to do is remember to bring your insurance card. Just another way…
Most of you have probably received an email by now inviting you to register for the new online booking system. JaneApp is user friendly and you should find it just as easy as the previous system. I encourage you to register by clicking the link in your welcome email so that there is a seamless…
By popular demand, debit payments will now be accepted for your massage therapy session. Using your debit card is a great way to support small business owners who often have to pay high fees for credit card transactions.
After a great treatment, the obvious next question is, “When should I come back?” The answer depends on many factors, such as your budget, your available time, and most importantly, what your treatment goals are. While there are no simple answers to this question, here are some guidelines that may help you to decide on…
Plantar Fasciitis is characterized by pain at sole of the foot, typically the bottom of the heel. The first few steps you take in the morning or after periods of rest are usually painful, and there will be tenderness if you press into your heel. Many people live with this condition far longer than neccessary!…
Do you have surgical scars or burns? Your scar tissue could be causing you pain even if it is a very old injury. While scarring is a natural part of the healing process, sometimes we are left with too much fibrous tissue that restricts our natural movement, leading to compensation, pain and dysfunction. Massage therapy…