How Can Massage Therapy Help YOU?
People of all ages and states of health can benefit from massage therapy. It is widely used to treat many conditions including:
- Musculoskeletal conditions e.g. muscle spasms, tendonitis, sprains and strains
- Repetitive strain injuries or Accumulative Trauma Disorder, e.g. rotator cuff tendonitis
- Stress
- Low back pain
- Headaches and migraines
- Neck and shoulder tension and pain
- Whiplash or motor vehicle collision injuries
- Poor circulation
- High blood pressure
- Adhesive capsulitis (a.k.a. frozen shoulder)
- Joint pain, arthritic conditions
- Neurological deficits and pain e.g. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Digestive problems
- Jaw pain e.g. TMJ Dysfunction
- Prenatal / postpartum conditions
- Breast conditions e.g. PMS or post-surgical mastectomy
- Palliative conditions e.g. cancer, ALS
- Chronic conditions e.g. chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, AIDS, Multiple Sclerosis